On the spiritual side of things this week we had a sweet opportunity to hear from the Stake Presidency here which was awesome. I am good friends with the President for some reason and we had a good time catching up. But what I really like about it was the whole day was focused on the Priesthood and how important that authority really is. Also he went into a lot of detail about the power of the Priesthood which was great to hear because we have been giving a lot of blessing lately and it is just neat to really see that power working not only in my life, but the lives of the people here.
Also, for Danger, I did a little study of the Atonement this week just to see if I could find anything new for you to use. Just to start off my favorite scripture about The Atonement is Alma 34:8-10, it just explains how absolutely necessary The Atonement is. And the another thing I learned about this week is that The Atonement is not just for the sinner, it is also for the sinned against. Christ suffered every single pain, sorrow, and grief imaginable and so when those who have been wronged by someone or have feelings of malice or whatever, Christ can help them find it with in themselves to forgive the person who wronged them. He will be there with the person through every step if they are willing to accept Him. I don't know if I explained that too well but I think you will all get the picture.... I hope :/ I was debating on sharing this with you though Danger cause when you told about the next Danger Dave´s Day in the park... I just about lost it... Just about :p I already knew it is going to be so rad!
That pretty much sums everything all up, sorry my letters haven´t been that great lately. I don´t know too much about Jones Hall Ry, I didn´t really go in there too much but from what I remember it is pretty much just like Morgan so I wouldn't stress it. I hope you all have another solid week and keep doing awesome things! Just one question.... How does indoor golf work? I miss and love you all!
Elder Squid
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